Giving thanks: this Durham farm is honoring the earth and community at the same time
Educator, politician, and author Shirley Chisolm said, “Service is the rent we pay for the privilege to live on this earth.” At Urban Community AgriNomics (UCAN) you can serve the community and the earth at the same time. Nutrition, environmental land stewardship, and individual and community health are central tenets for UCAN. When I’m not running back and forth across the Triangle real estating, I aim to give back to the community in a way that is both educational and restorative. I come to UCAN.
UCAN is a 501(c)3 nonprofit founded April 29th, 2016 by sisters, Delphine Godley Sellars and Lucille Godley Patterson. The organization reflects their desire to engage the community of North Durham with skills-based in agriculture and providing a place for those within the community to have access to fresh fruits and vegetables. Read more about UCAN’s mission and core values. Also, check out UCAN’s website for how you can donate your time, money, or equipment. Its all valuable and appreciated!
Garden beds at Urban Community AgriNomics (UCAN) captured by Kharmika Alston