A book review: what "The ONE Thing" can do for you
When I first started practicing real estate, I quickly learned that there were models for success that already existed that were backed by research and empirical evidence captured in a book called, The Millionaire Real Estate Agent (MREA, for short). The book, considered a real estate bible for some, highlights exactly what one should do from start to end to become a millionaire real estate agent.
While MREA is very specific to real estate, The ONE Thing is not. If you are a new mom, or juggling a full time job and a side hustle, or a bustling student embarking on a new entrepreneurial journey, the book simply urges you to think about one thing you could do to be more productive toward accomplishing your goals.
The book itself is a testament to productivity. Its only 240 pages composed of three meaty yet succinct sections: the lies we are told that prevent from being our most productive selves, the simple truth underlying the path to productivity, and how to unlock the possibilities that exist within you.
The short version of it all is that in order to be your most productive self and accomplish your dreams, you have to be purpose-driven and doggedly block off the time required to do that one thing that will take you to the next level. The book also highlights how this idea can work for micro goals that if achieved would make your overall life better. For example, what is the one thing you can do to improve your credit score? What is the one thing you can improve your health? etc. So, even if you aren’t trying to achieve a magnanimous goal, The ONE Thing can still be for you. Check it out!
“I cannot believe that the purpose of life is to be happy. I think the purpose of life is to be useful, to be responsible, to be compassionate. It is, above all, to matter, to count, to stand for something, to have made some difference that you lived at all.”